What I’m saying is when you are in class, be focused only on what’s going on in class.

When you get home, type out those notes and maybe even draw pictures if you’re a good artist. Highlight details you feel you may forget.
Feel free to create sub-folders for things like half guard and technical mount ect. Right after you read this go create 5 Files standing, guard, side control, mount, back mount. But I’ve seen and worked with those who are. Take Notes: I’ve never been a good note taker.Trust me, you won’t miss that 5 minutes of rolling and the benefits are immeasurable in terms of retention. Do this before you roll, while it’s still fresh on your mind. Be sure you’re still remembering every step and every detail. Take an extra 5 minutes AFTER each and every class to go through every technique you’ve learned that week. However, if you just spent ½ hour to an hour learning new moves, it’s unlikely that you got many repetitions in. Take 5: After classes, my members are always geared up and ready to start rolling during open mat.There are other options! Here’s a list 5 great ways to retain the information you’re learning in classes! Certainly, the more often you’re exposed to techniques, the more likely you are to retain them. Often, the answer is something along the lines of, “Get to class.” That, however, isn’t a very fair answer. “What should I be doing to retain all this information?” This leads to one of the most commonly asked questions I receive. Learning, understanding, and retaining those options is important to getting good and an absolute necessity if you want to earn Black Belt. There is literally an option (usually multiple options) for every way the body moves.

Jiu-Jitsu is the most technical martial art I’ve ever experienced.