Weak antilocalization phase coherence
Weak antilocalization phase coherence

weak antilocalization phase coherence

Because of poor sample quality, the mean free path is short in the materials, of. The crossover between the 3D weak localization and 2D weak antilocalization can be probed by tuning the Fermi energy, giving a unique transport signature of the nodal-line semimetal. There is another reason that the weak anti-localization was observed easily. Furthermore, we present weak-field magnetoconductivity calculations at low temperatures for realistic experimental parameters and predict that clear scaling signatures ∝ B and ∝ − ln B, respectively. Our results are consistent with symmetry consideration, where the two regimes correspond to the orthogonal and symplectic classes, respectively. As a result, a decrease in the probability of electron backscattering occurs, resulting in an overall decrease of electrical resistance. The spin-orbit interaction (SOI) strength and the phase-coherence time were extracted from the fitting to the experimental. Signatures of weak anti-localization are observed near the superconducting. A remnant, saturating resistance persists below the transition temperature as superconducting puddles fail to reach phase coherence. The data were analyzed using the most representative theories on the weak antilocalization (WAL) correction to magnetoconductivity. We report on the observation of two-dimensional superconductivity and weak anti-localization at the TiO x /KTaO 3 (111) interfaces. In a magnetic field, ultrathin 11 nm thick Sb 2 Te 3 nanoplates demonstrate a giant anomaly of weak antilocalization, accompanied by the effect of weak localization. The latter leads to weak antilocalization with a 2D scaling law. We have investigated the weak antilocalization effect in a high-density two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure. The characteristic properties of conductivity are revealed depending on the transverse magnetic field (09 T) and temperature (3300 K). In contrast, for a long-range impurity potential, the electrons effectively diffuse in various 2D planes and the backscattering is dominated by the interference paths that encircle the nodal loop. For a short-range impurity potential, backscattering is dominated by the interference paths that do not encircle the nodal loop, yielding a 3D weak localization effect. The torus-shaped Fermi surface and encircled π Berry flux carried by the nodal loop result in a fascinating interplay between the effective dimensionality of electron diffusion and band topology, which depends on the scattering range of the impurity potential relative to the size of the nodal loop. The temperature dependence of the dephasing rate is consistent with the Nyquist mechanism. Phase coherence time and zero-field spin-splitting are extracted following Golub’s model L. Here, we calculate the quantum correction to conductivity in a disordered nodal-line semimetal. As the temperature of a system is decreased, the phase coherence length, l, which defines the average distance an electron can travel until its phase is randomized, can increase and become larger than the elastic mean free path, l e. At weak magnetic fields, the weak antilocalization effect in the ballistic regime is observed. In general, monolayer graphene exhibits weak antilocalization for long-ranged scattering impurities, while bilayer graphene manifests weak localization. The behaviour for S1 and S2 were found to be similar.New materials such as nodal-line semimetals offer a unique setting for novel transport phenomena. Figure 4c and d show the temperature dependence of mobility and carrier density for S0. 4b and the parameters extracted from the fit to the data for all the films are given in Table 1.

Weak antilocalization phase coherence